Sunday, December 23, 2012

Festive Knowledge - its Christmas!

We all know and love a good Christmas dinner, traditional Turkey roast with lots of vegetables and other delights to go with it. But where did this tradition come from?

Before The Turkey Dinner, in Medieval England, The traditional meat served was either peacock or Bore. It was only in the 16th Century when The Turkey was introduced as the Christmas meat. In fact, King Henry VIII was the first Monarch to have roast Turkey.
The Turkey dinner thus spread throughout the nation during the 17th century and continues to do so today, however we have introduce many other meats and poultry to our tables.

So there you have it, a little Christmas knowledge to talk over around the table.

Have a Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Favourite Product 2012 - THE FINAL

Ladies, Gentlemen, boys and Girls, as you know we have been tracking the favourite product of 2012 all year long, and now is the time we conclude this years contest and announce our winner!
Every product on our boards this year has fought for this position, the list has changed many times and at stages there was just no clear sight of which product would win.
Classic products came back hard and took the positions of the new novelty ones, showing that you can't beat a classic ice cream such as the 99, however, some products have surprised us with their sales.
Of course we have to accept that the products position on the board itself, as there a places which are quick and easier to see by the public, we have taken this into account when calculating the winner.

So, the judging is finished, the results and numbers are in.
Without further interruption, I give you the Favourite products of 2012!!!

      6th               Bubblegum Knickerbocker Glory! 
      5th               Single Cone with a flake
      4th               Hedgehog Cone!
      3rd              Bunnies Ears Cone!
      2nd              Bubblegum Cone

And first place is!

1st - Marshmallow Cone!

It has been the closest contest so far this year and taking this into account we have been working on the product boards of 2013 and we feel the contest for favourite product could get even closer next year!
Keep looking at  and our new product boards for 2013 will be coming soon!

Robert's Ice Cream Van Hire

Robert's Ice Cream Van Hire draws the season of 2012 to a close, the winter draws in and the nights are getting shorter. The weather is cold and dull but the spirit of the ice cream van lives on.
Looking back, its been a fantastic year, I have met some amazing people, worked for many fantastic clients and of course had many successful events.

Every year brings its challenges, its joys and disasters, but at the end of the day I can honestly say I still continue to love this job.
We are all looking forward to next season, when our chimes shall be ringing again in the streets of Kent and of course Robert's Ices will bee travelling all over the UK to cater for those who require our superior service.
Robert wishes to thank all those who have given custom this year and the years before and looks forward to seeing you all again soon.

Friday, July 20, 2012

There is still time to book your ice cream Van!

Summer is not over yet people, there is still plenty of time to book Roberts Ice cream Van hire...
Okay this summer hasn't lived up to any expectations, its probably the wettest summer for many many years, but don't let that bring you down!
With a good proportion of event season still running this is your chance to book Roberts Ices for your Wedding, Party, School Fete, Fairs, Village Event, Air shows, Fire-work displays, Football tournaments and all others.
Contact us Today and learn of our donations policy, to earn some money for your charity or fundraiser.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

This sunday!

This sunday Robert's ice cream van hire will be once again in London, serving ice cream to the new students of The London School of Economics (LSE)
Located in Central london, LSE is a school for the talented mathematicians of our time, from all over the world. LSE book Robert every year and the company director stated "I will continue to provide a service of excellence, even though I attend this booking every year I will always provide the best in ice cream Van Hire"

Robert ice cream van hire kent - corporate hospitality 1012

Roberts Ices could be seen recently in the area of Kings Hill where Robert provided tasty ice creams for the charities Aid Foundation.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Jubilee Ice Cream!

Roberts Ices is proud to be a part of the Jubilee celebrations by attending many school and Village events along with numerous street parties.
The Ice Cream Van is a huge part of British Culture, soft whippy ice cream has become a much loved treat. Roberts Ices continues to serve fresh whippy ice cream and many favourite products to the British public and always with a smile.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire has been serving special Jubilee Ice Cream which has gone down a treat and is quickly becoming very popular.

The Jubilee Special Ice Cream - A Tub lined with strawberry and bubblegum sauce, filled with fresh whippy ice cream, more sauce on top and then dipped in special Jubilee Sprinkles.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Favourite product 2012 update

It has been a while since I have updated you all on the favourite product of 2012, and this new update brings the chase even closer! We all know the Marshmallow Cone has been superior throughout the year so far and does continue to be a product of high demand, however, first place is being challenged now by a classic. A classic Ice cream which is near impossible to beat. There has been much debate over the name of it, and yes I am talking about.... The Single Cone With A Flake!
A classic ice cream, formally known as the "99" cone, the single with a flake has now picked up on popularity over the novelty cones as it usually does and has climbed the leader board with incredible speed right into the number two place - and we could see a new leader by the end of the Week! 
Below is the current top 5 products of this year - but who will be crowned The favourite product of 2012!?

1. The marshmallow Cone
2. Single with a Flake
3. Bubblegum Cone
4. Hedgehog Cone
5. Bunnies Ears

There you have it, the current top 5, but there is a long year left ahead and who knows things could take dramatic changes...

Monday, April 30, 2012

Ice cream Van Hire in Paddock Wood

Paddock Wood, A small Town in the Borough of Tunbridge Wells in Kent. A beautiful place, tranquil and delightful and the perfect place for outdoor events. Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire attend many events in Paddock Wood, catering for School fetes and fairs, Park openings, Weddings, and Village Fetes.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire in paddock Wood is growing more and more popular, and after attending a very successful School fete just yesterday, Roberts Ices will soon be seen a lot more around the lovely landscape.

Hire Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire in Paddock Wood for you event, and earn money for your charity or fundraiser. All events are catered for, speak to us today!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The wettest Drought Ever

Has anyone else noticed this drought seems very wet? Hose pipe bans are issued and warnings of water shortages are spreading across the country, yet I cant seen to go out without an umbrella.
I understand a few months of shortage isnt made up by a few weeks of rain but, have the councils gone a bit extreme?
As the local Ice Cream man, there is enough rain to affect ice Cream Sales, but is there enough water for me to take a shower with peace of mind without being accused of causing the drought? Who knows.

Robert's Ices are still open for trade even with a poor weather, don't worry summer is coming trust me!

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Original Roberts Ices - Ice Cream Van Hire Kent

Robert's ice cream van hire believe in supplying every customer the very best mobile catering units for all your catering needs. The company holds full 10 million pounds public liability insurance for the larger event, all staff hold health and hygiene certificates and are a registered company with local authority. Full risk assessment documents are available along with food preparation and hazard analysis documentation. All staff have now attended a basic sign language course.

Robert's ice cream van hire company can supply single or multiple catering units for any size event. Specialising in wedding hire, civil partnership celebrations, corporate hire, team building days, company promotional work including product and company branding, sporting events, school fairs and fetes, music concerts, charity fundraising events and children's birthday parties. Whatever event your planning, speak to Robert's ice cream company professional and friendly staff to discuss your specific requirements.

Serving soft vanilla whip ice cream with your choice of standard cone, waffle cone, tubs, oysters and many more. Offering many flavoured ice cream choices including bubblegum, apple, chocolate, strawberry, orange, cherry, lemon and mint choc chip. As well as many Walls and Nestle products available at your choice.
In addition, top of your selection with 12 different flavoured syrups as well as vast options of rainbow and chocolate sprinkles, various sherbets, chopped nuts, cinnamon, marshmallows and coconut.
The professional and friendly event hire and booking team are always very happy to discuss your every need and will ensure your catering requirements and expectations are always met.
Robert's fully uniformed catering staff will provide the highest level of service and product quality for your event.
After the event a member of the after sales team will contact the hirer to ensure satisfaction.

Roberts Ice Cream van hire has many satisfied clients, based all over the UK, including Cartoon Network, Square eye media, East Kent County show ground, Beauty seen and many more. The company is owned and managed by Robert.

Warning to parents..road safety matters

There is an obsession the children seem to have, in their eyes its fun and games but could be putting them in danger.
This 'game' they have invented includes hiding behind ice cream vans and then running close behind the van when it departs. Parents i ask you to speak to your children about this, inform them of the danger the roads hold. What if that van moved backwards or whom ever was driving didn't check around? Thats your child under those wheels.

It may be an ice cream van but its still a Van on the road. We are here to bring indulgence and happiness, help us...join us, in getting rid of these road dangers once and for all.
There is only so much us ice cream traders can see and do to prevent an accident, help us by telling your children how dangerous the roads can be.

Roberts ices promotes road safety, and will always check around the entire van before departing. Constant mirror checks and being visual and alert. Robert is forever telling children to mind the road and be safe... will you too? Thank you

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Introducing The Fried Egg Ice Cream

Since the favourite product of 2012 is a popular subject on this blog, I thought maybe its time the other contenders had a little bit of the spot light. So, let me introduce you to another very popular product, a Roberts Ices Original ... The Fried Egg!
Fresh Whippy Ice Cream upon a crisp golden cone, with a scoop of Fresh lemon Ice Sorbet on top, with any sauces and toppings of your choice.
Could The Fried Egg take over the number one spot for favourite product 2012...only time will tell!

If you would like to see more Products Roberts Ices offers, visit

Revealed! The secret to the Marshmallow Cone

We all know how popular the Marshmallow cone is, and so far it is on its way to winning the title of favourite product 2012. So, I thought I would give you all the opportunity to witness the delightful ingredient which has helped The Marshmallow cone become as famous as it is.
Here they are, the top quality fluffy Marshmallows which will soon be topped onto Fresh Whippy Ice Cream.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Update on favourite product 2012

The race continues with the favourite product of 2012, as you all know the Marshmallow cone has been top of the league since the beginning and, today I can bring you some amazing information...
Today the marshmallow cone has broken a new record!!!
Not only is it currently the most popular Ice Cream from Roberts Ice Cream van but it has held the top position untouched for the longest time! Never before has a product spent so long without at least going to second place! So a big congrats to The Marshmallow cone!

The second place has been stolen once again thought by the Bubblegum cone, the Kids cant get enough of that bright blue colour and delicious flavour!

Kill the speed, not the child. Don't zoom past Ice Cream Vans

Too often careless and stupid drivers zoom past parked Ice Cream Vans at high speed, surely anyone with some common sense would slow down and be more aware when an Ice Cream van is about. There is a reason we have large warning signs on the back of our Vans... Pay attention to them!
I have heard stories of accidents happening when idiot drivers do not watch out for children, the most recent story I have heard luckily the little guy got off with some bruising and a lot of shock. But what of the Ice Cream Man...
Us professional Ice Cream traders always park where we can keep the children as safe as possible, but at the end of the day, the parents and the car drivers need to be aware that their children are still crossing roads.
These accidents are not usually on the Ice Cream Van's responsibility, yet the Ice Cream trader is always left feeling full of guilt, stress and upset when accidents do occur. Who in their right mind would let a 4 year old cross a road on his own? I mean, come on, seriously. What of the car driver also, they will go through incredible stress, upset and depression, because, it's not always their fault... PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CHILDREN!

Robert's Ices have luckily never witnessed one of these horrible accidents and prey to never see anything of the sort. Robert today said...
 "I will continue to park my Van in legal and safe places, and will always tell the children to "mind the road" when they leave the Van. But the parents need to take responsibility, don't let your youngster cross roads alone, they are your children. Also, I send a message to car drivers, if you see an Ice Cream van, slow down, be aware, there are children about who may run out, get a clue, grow a brain and be careful. I would also like to say to any Ice Cream traders who may have witnessed one of these accidents, do not let it haunt you, its not your fault. Try delete that horrific image from your mind and remember that its the parents and car drivers who are to blame. But, please remember to park in safe places. If we all do our bit, the children will be perfectly safe and that's what its all about" 

Keep it safe, Kill the speed - not the child! Lets enjoy Ice Cream safely!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Canterbury Ice Cream Vans For Hire

Need or Looking for an Ice Cream Van In Canterbury?
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire can cater for your every need by supplying only the very top quality Vans, Ice Cream and of course service.

Whatever your event may be, small, large, even if its a bit.. different to the norm, Roberts Ice Cream van Hire in Canterbury can supply you for any events, School Fetes, Parties, Weddings and More...So you can stop Looking for an Ice Cream Van, because you have found the company who Can make you happy.
We only use fresh whippy Ice Cream, so the taste is like a present for your tongue. We take pride in our Ice Creams and only serve the best, with a smile of course.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire in Canterbury have many satisfied Clients and continue to gain many more, so let us take the stress away and make Hiring an Ice Cream van something easy and pleasurable. Speak to us Today!

Ice Cream Van Hire in London

Many people are Looking for an Ice Cream Van in London to cater for Corporate Fun Days and Promotions. Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire can provide you with the very best in service and understanding of your Event, after years of many satisfied Clients in London, including large names such as Cartoon Network, ITV, BBC and Cbeebies and many more.
Are you looking for an Ice Cream Van For your promotional Hire or Client? Speak to Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire Today and let us take the weight of your shoulders by catering to your every need no matter how tricky it gets. Remember, anything is possible with Roberts Ices. 

Ice Cream Van Hire in Maidstone

Looking for an Ice Cream Van in Maidstone?
Then let Roberts Ices cater for your every need, supplying top quality Ice Creams from our vast selection.
Maidstone, with its beautiful scenery and stunning buildings is the perfect place for Any Wedding Ideas, why not have an Ice Cream Van for your wedding in Maidstone? Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire Maidstone can supply multiple or single Vans for your wedding and special occasion, with wedding ribbon dressed vans, fully uniformed staff and delicious Ice Cream which will keep your guests talking for hours!
Contact Roberts Ices today and let us do the hard work for you, serving all your guests probably the Best Ice Creams in Kent.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Make Every Ice Cream Your perfect Creation with Roberts Ices

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire Provide many fantastic flavoured sorbets, and sorbet combinations such as the famous Cherry and Apple Splash! Smooth refreshing sorbet Bursting with flavour, perfect for those warm summer evenings. Why not touch up this piece of Ice Cream Art with topping syrups (raspberry shown in Picture), sprinkles, nuts or sherbets. Make every Ice Cream, Your perfect creation with Roberts Ices

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Introducing The Top Product of 2012 So Far

Seeing as I have been talking about the favourite product of 2012, here is your unique chance to get a sneak peak at what the public loves the most so far.

The Marshmallow Cone - Soft fresh whippy Ice Cream upon a crisp golden cone, dipped and rolled in fluffy marshmallows. Topped with any flavoured sauce of your choice.
Will it remain number one and win the title? who knows?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

1,000 Page views!

Roberts Ices would like to say a massive thank you to all those who have helped us reach 1,000 page views on this blog!
Our readers are coming from all over the world, so a big shout to everyone following us in England, Germany, Russia, Poland and many more.
We look forward to continue to bring you more Ice Cream updates, fun facts and photos!

Company director Robert says " I can't believe a smaller business like us who are relatively new to the internet have had such a good response from the bloggers. Who knew an Ice cream Blog could be so popular. I would like to personally thank each and every reader for their support on this and I hope they continue to find the news and updates interesting and helpful. I can't believe we have reached 1.000 views in such a short time"

Favourite Product 2012 Update

New developments of the favourite product of 2012 have arisen, as the sunshine is coming out and the weather is getting warmer more and more people are tasting Roberts Premier Ice Cream. The biggest favourite of 2012 as you would know is the marshmallow Cone. But can another Product take its top position?
Today I Bring you the New top 5 list of 2012, so you can keep up with the Roberts Ices favourite Products.

1. Marshmallow Cone
2. Hedgehog Cone
3. Teddy Bear Cone
4. Single with Flake
5. Bubblegum Sorbet

Although the Marshmallow Cone is the untouched leader so far, its closely followed by the Hedgehog cone, which has come into popularity at an incredible speed. Fresh Vanilla Whippy Ice Cream on a crisp cone, topped with four Cadbury's Flakes, finished with toppings of your choice.
It's Nice to see the classic Single with Flake cone come back into its rightful position in the top 5, at the end of the day you cant fake a flake and the classic "99" style cone has always gone down a treat with all ages.
The Teddy Bear cone remains in third position, the young ones do like the Teddy bear Wafers, thin and crispy and simply delicious. Not only the youngsters, but the women seem to love the cute looking bears too.

5th position was a close call this time, bubblegum sorbet just managing to reach into the high league over the Bubblegum Knickerbocker Glory. Clearly Bubblegum flavor is a popular one but which type of bubblegum treat will remain, and maybe even take a higher position in the favourite product of 2012?

Which would you choose?

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire. Another successful Event


Roberts Ices supplied their quality Ice Cream Van Hire to a Large Rugby tournament Today.
Despite the cloudy weather it was a very successful Day, the sunshine came out enough to make everyone want one, sometimes two, or Roberts quality Fresh Whippy Ice Cream.

 Robert wasn't the only one at this fantastic Event.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire was kept company by none other than the fantastic Markes Ices. The queues were long and hard but two professional Ice Cream Vans can handle it no problem.
So there we have it, another event done and dusted with many happy customers and an extremely happy client, who has witnessed the professionalism and friendly service we offer.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Original Roberts Ices

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire offer a professional and friendly service, serving probably the best Ice Cream to the Kent area and all over the UK. Catering for all events including Weddings, parties, school fetes, village fairs, and many more. Our top quality Ice Cream Vans are original Roberts Ices, in our famous yellow and purple colours known all round Kent.
Our Van are kept in their prime condition, with all our required legal documents, trading licences, hygiene certificates and many more.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire serve many favourite products, including the famous Candy Cream, Marshmallow cone and of course the popular teddy Bear Cone. Not to mention the Adults Knickerbocker glory.
Roberts Ices Offer many FREE toppings on all ice creams including 12 sauce varieties, sprinkles, sherbets, chopped nuts and many more.
If you want a professional and reliable Ice Cream Van Hire Company Talk to Roberts Ices to discuss your event

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Official Ice Cream Van Hire in Maidstone

Ice Cream Van Hire In Maidstone Supply Single or Multiple Ice Cream vans and High quality Ice Cream for any Event. Our Professional and friendly staff will cater to your every need, making Hiring an Ice Cream Van easy and stress free.
Ice Cream Van Hire in Maidstone hold £10 million public liability insurance along with full trading licences, CRB checks, hygiene certificates and any legal documentation you may require.  All staff are trained in basic sign language, so no child is left out and can enjoy visiting our ice cream vans In Maidstone equally.
Ice cream Van Hire Maidstone provides quality Ice cream vans and has attended many weddings in Maidstone and surrounding areas.  A Very popular Wedding Venue is Leeds Castle with its claim to being “The loveliest Castle in the world”. Another popular Venue is the beautiful 16th century manor house Boughton Monchelsea Place which overlooks perhaps the best view in Kent.
Ice Cream Van Hire Maidstone provides the best quality Ice cream vans dressed in Wedding Ribbons, fully uniformed staff and of course the very best in service. With High quality Ice Cream products for all your guests, your dessert from an ice Cream Van is sure to go down a treat.
Maidstone is the county town of Kent, and has the river Medway which runs through the centre of town linking Maidstone to Rochester. There is evidence of a settlement in the area dating back to beyond the Stone Age. It lies in the borough of Maidstone which encompasses many rural parishes, for example: Leeds, Loose, Coxheath, Bearstead, Hollingbourne, Barming, Detling, Breadhurst, Boxley, and Aylesford.  Many famous faces from Maidstone include Tony Heart (Artists and TV presenter) and carol McGiffin (A CO-Presenter on Lose Women on ITV – One of our many satisfied clients from the TV and Media Industry)
Our Ice cream vans serve fresh whippy ice cream made daily, along with high quality crisp cones, waffle cones and many other exciting products.
We are enhancing many School Events, Private parties, corporate Hire, Football Tournaments, children’s parties and many more with our quality Ice Cream Vans in Maidstone. Along with our many years experience our modern fleet of Ice Creams Vans can cater for 20 people to 20,000 people. Hiring an Ice Cream van in Maidstone has never been easier; speak to our booking team today to discuss your event 

Ice Cream Van Hire in Medway Towns

Ice Cream Van Hire Medway Towns Supplies Single or Multiple Ice Cream vans and High quality Ice Cream for any Event. Our Professional and friendly staff will cater to your every need, making Hiring an Ice Cream Van easy and stress free.
Ice Cream Van Hire Medway Towns holds £10 million public liability insurance along with full trading licences, CRB checks, hygiene certificates and any legal documentation you may require.  All staff are trained in basic sign language, so no child is left out and can enjoy visiting our ice cream vans In Medway equally.
Medway is popular location for schools fetes and fairs, and Ice Cream Van Hire Medway Towns is there to cater for these School Fetes and PTA Events. Ice Cream van Hire Medway work closely with many schools and PTFA organisers, enhancing the many school Fundraising Events throughout the school calendar year. Ice Cream Van Hire Medway caters for such events as Valentine discos, Easter Egg Hunts, May day celebrations, Sports Days, Summer fetes and fairs, Halloween discos and fetes, not forgetting to remember, remember the 5th of November and our ice Creams Vans helping the evening go off with a bang. The during December, Ice Cream Van Hire Medway Towns provide a father Christmas service with Santa arriving in an Ice Cream Van driven By his Elf Helper.
Our Ice cream vans serve fresh whippy ice cream made daily, along with high quality crisp cones, waffle cones and many other exciting products.
We are enhancing many School Events, Private parties, corporate Hire, Football Tournaments, children’s parties and many more with our quality Ice Cream Vans in Medway. Along with our many years experience our modern fleet of Ice Creams Vans can cater for 20 people to 20,000 people. Hiring an Ice Cream van in Medway has never been easier; speak to our booking team today to discuss your event 

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Sunday Sundae

We all love a Sunday and most of us love a Sundae as well. It is fact that Ice Cream is Favored on a Sunday. Is it because its the day of rest and an indulgence is the "cherry on the cake", or is it simply because we are indoors and an Ice cream adds a little excitement to a lazy day. Whatever your reason is the simple fact is this... We Love a Sunday Sundae!!! 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Update of favorite Product 2012

A New month is upon us, as March roles in and the year gets older, new developments have occurred.
As you know we are keeping track of our most popular product of 2012, we have had a dominant leader so far  - The Marshmallow Cone - and I am pleased to announce that it remains the best seller of 2012 so far!!

Fresh whippy Ice Cream bathed in soft marshmallows upon a crisp golden cone. A favorite with the Kids and Adults. Many who top this tasty Ice Cream with one of our wide selection of topping sauces. We will be following the favorite Toppings of 2012 later in the year.

The biggest development as of March 2012 is the new challenger to the Marshmallow cone. Introducing the new second place competitor............. The Teddy Cone!
Fresh whippy Ice Cream upon a golden crisp cone with two Teddy bear wafers and a topping sauce of your choice. This is a huge hit with the children, it must be those friendly bears!
Keep posted as new updates on this close competition draws closer to a finish and we award the Winner of the 2012 Favorite product!

The Sun is out, and so are we!

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire are looking forward to a day in the sunshine, after a Long winter The Medway Towns are hearing the chimes of Roberts Ice Cream Vans again.
Robert says " our Vans will only be on our rounds today, but we are really looking forward to it, there is nothing I enjoy more than seeing the regular customers and happy faces of all the children. Many of which consider me their friend not just Ice Cream Man"
It may be long hard work bur its something we really enjoy. I look forward to seeing you all on the rounds!

Ice Cream Van Hire in Maidstone

Ice Cream Van Hire In Maidstone Supply Single or Multiple Ice Cream vans and High quality Ice Cream for any Event. Our Professional and friendly staff will cater to your every need, making Hiring an Ice Cream Van easy and stress free.
Ice Cream Van Hire in Maidstone hold £10 million public liability insurance along with full trading licences, CRB checks, hygiene certificates and any legal documentation you may require.  All staff are trained in basic sign language, so no child is left out and can enjoy visiting our ice cream vans In Maidstone equally.
Ice cream Van Hire Maidstone provides quality Ice cream vans and has attended many weddings in Maidstone and surrounding areas.  A Very popular Wedding Venue is Leeds Castle with its claim to being “The loveliest Castle in the world”. Another popular Venue is the beautiful 16th century manor house Boughton Monchelsea Place which overlooks perhaps the best view in Kent.

Ice Cream Van Hire Maidstone provides the best quality Ice cream vans dressed in Wedding Ribbons, fully uniformed staff and of course the very best in service. With High quality Ice Cream products for all your guests, your dessert from an ice Cream Van is sure to go down a treat.
Maidstone is the county town of Kent, and has the river Medway which runs through the centre of town linking Maidstone to Rochester. There is evidence of a settlement in the area dating back to beyond the Stone Age. It lies in the borough of Maidstone which encompasses many rural parishes, for example: Leeds, Loose, Coxheath, Bearstead, Hollingbourne, Barming, Detling, Breadhurst, Boxley, and Aylesford.  Many famous faces from Maidstone include Tony Heart (Artists and TV presenter) and carol McGiffin (A CO-Presenter on Lose Women on ITV – One of our many satisfied clients from the TV and Media Industry)
Our Ice cream vans serve fresh whippy ice cream made daily, along with high quality crisp cones, waffle cones and many other exciting products.

We are enhancing many School Events, Private parties, corporate Hire, Football Tournaments, children’s parties and many more with our quality Ice Cream Vans in Maidstone. Along with our many years experience our modern fleet of Ice Creams Vans can cater for 20 people to 20,000 people. Hiring an Ice Cream van in Maidstone has never been easier; speak to our booking team today to discuss your event 

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Ice Cream Van Hire In Kent

Robert's ice cream van hire believe in supplying every customer the very best mobile catering units for all your catering needs. The company holds full 10 million pounds public liability insurance for the larger event, all staff hold health and hygiene certificates and are a registered company with local authority. Full risk assessment documents are available along with food preparation and hazard analysis documentation. All staff have now attended a basic sign language course.

Robert's ice cream van hire company can supply single or multiple catering units for any size event. Specialising in wedding hire, civil partnership celebrations, corporate hire, team building days, company promotional work including product and company branding, sporting events, school fairs and fetes, music concerts, charity fundraising events and children's birthday parties. Whatever event your planning, speak to Robert's ice cream company professional and friendly staff to discuss your specific requirements.

Serving soft vanilla whip ice cream with your choice of standard cone, waffle cone, tubs, oysters and many more. Offering many flavoured ice cream choices including bubblegum, apple, chocolate, strawberry, orange, cherry, lemon and mint choc chip. As well as many Walls and Nestle products available at your choice.
In addition, top of your selection with 12 different flavoured syrups as well as vast options of rainbow and chocolate sprinkles, various sherbets, chopped nuts, cinnamon, marshmallows and coconut.
The professional and friendly event hire and booking team are always very happy to discuss your every need and will ensure your catering requirements and expectations are always met.
Robert's fully uniformed catering staff will provide the highest level of service and product quality for your event.
After the event a member of the after sales team will contact the hirer to ensure satisfaction.

Roberts Ice Cream van hire has many satisfied clients, based all over the UK, including Cartoon Network, Square eye media, East Kent County show ground, Beauty seen and many more. The company is owned and managed by Robert.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Behind the scenes of the Ice Cream Man.

The Ice Cream man, the figure who serves whippy ice cream from a Van that plays a happy tune. Always has a smile and in some case (like me) can talk forever!
But what most people forget, is that The Ice cream man is still a working citizen. A man trying to run a business in a tough industry in a country which isn't doing him much favors.
This is what I ask you, the public to remember, that running an Ice Cream Van is no easy task, its a job we do everyday of the week, even if were not on the streets, we are at events, or in the office. there is no such thing as a day off when running your own business.

 Many people have mixed views about us ice Cream traders but don't forget this is our only income, its what we do and who we are. Its not a hobby its a way of life, and if we do not do it, we don't have food on the table. Everything is currently against our trade, all because a few bad traders have to spoil the good name of the Ice Cream man. Most of us are good, clean and proper. Even the council's work against us. Did you know Ice Cream Vans are being banned from Parks, fields, council estates, schools, and now even named roads. How they expect us to sell Ice Cream I don't know, especially now we have more laws about times we can trade and how often our chimes can ring...and what volume! The Ice Cream industry is not an easy one and with the 2012 London (LEZ) emission Zone even more Ice Cream vans will go out of business.

So next time the Ice Cream Van is round your way, remember, this is someone career, and if they run a good van and deserve it, don't worry about spending a pound or two. I know times are hard for us all, but small businesses like the Ice Cream Van are what is keeping Britain on its feet. We are trying our best to serve what is now a rare treat, soft serve whippy ice cream which can be found only in a few places, and it something that all ages love and have done for many many years.

Ice Cream Men are real people running a honest difficult career.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Ice Cream Van Hire in Maidstone

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire are taking many bookings in the Maidstone area, so don't miss your chance and book with us before all remaining dates and times are taken up!
Roberts ice cream Van Hire in Maidstone provide the highest quality of Ice Cream Vans to cater for any Event big or small, no matter how many guests Roberts Ices will impress! Serving Fresh whippy Ice Cream and many other favorites from our hygienic and quality Ice Cream Vans. Roberts Ice Cream van Hire in Maidstone hold 10 million public liability insurance, full trading licence, level 2 safety in catering, Full risk assessment, HASAP, and all other important required documents.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire Maidstone can supply single or multiple units for any Event including:

Wedding Ice Cream Van Hire
PTA School Events Ice Cream Van Hire
May Day Events Ice Cream Van Hire
Football Tournaments Ice Cream Van Hire
Private Party Ice Cream Van Hire
Street Party Ice Cream Van Hire
Air Shows Ice Cream Van Hire
.... And Many More....

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Ice Cream Van Hire Kent In Canterbury

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire has constant high demand to cater for all types of Events in Canterbury and the surrounding areas. 

Robert's ice cream van hire believe in supplying every customer the very best mobile catering units for all your catering needs. The company holds full 10 million pounds public liability insurance for the larger event, all staff hold health and hygiene certificates and are a registered company with local authority. Full risk assessment documents are available along with food preparation and hazard analysis documentation. All staff have now attended a basic sign language course.

Robert's ice cream van hire company can supply single or multiple catering units for any size event. Specialising in wedding hire, civil partnership celebrations, corporate hire, team building days, company promotional work including product and company branding, sporting events, school fairs and fetes, music concerts, charity fundraising events and children's birthday parties. Whatever event your planning, speak to Robert's ice cream company professional and friendly staff to discuss your specific requirements.

Serving soft vanilla whip ice cream with your choice of standard cone, waffle cone, tubs, oysters and many more. Offering many flavoured ice cream choices including bubblegum, apple, chocolate, strawberry, orange, cherry, lemon and mint choc chip. As well as many Walls and Nestle products available at your choice.
In addition, top of your selection with 12 different flavoured syrups as well as vast options of rainbow and chocolate sprinkles, various sherbets, chopped nuts, cinnamon, marshmallows and coconut.
The professional and friendly event hire and booking team are always very happy to discuss your every need and will ensure your catering requirements and expectations are always met.
Robert's fully uniformed catering staff will provide the highest level of service and product quality for your event.
After the event a member of the after sales team will contact the hirer to ensure satisfaction. 

Corporate and Promotional Ice Cream Van Hire

Organisations are often on the lookout for that something a little different, something that will gain people's attention and capture their imagination. A Roberts Ices Ice Cream Van is the perfect iconic solution for many corporate ventures and campaigns.
Here at Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire we have the facility to transform a standard Ice Cream Van into the bold captivating marketing tool you have been looking for. From the products to the vehicle livery, we can recreate that desired appearance.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire's delicious ice cream will bring the feel good factor to your event allowing you to do what you do best…impress your guests.
You can choose to offer your guests:
  • Our full extensive product range.
  • Selected products chosen by you.
  • Ice cream creations can be ordered to promote your company profile / products or message.
  • Fully uniformed staff.
Perfect for team building and open days we are also suitable for promotional work. We will work closely with you to deliver a bespoke service to support your promotional campaign.
A cost effective and unique way to get your message across, we can offer:
  • Target your existing or potential clients at the venue of your choice.
  • Product give aways.
  • Branded Ice cream van with company logo / advertising campaign or company profile.
  • Branded products / specific product inventions.
  • Uniformed staff but we are also happy to wear your branded clothing during the event.
Speak to our expert event booking team today to discuss your specific requirements. Whatever your event we will be pleased to tailor the service and products to suit. To find out more and to discuss how we can help you stand out from the crowd then contact us today.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

How To Know Who To Hire

Ice Cream Van Hire can be a tricky thing to get organised, with many Ice Cream Vans trying to cover one area and so many competitors, how do you know who you can trust? There are a few ways you, as the client, can tell if your hiring a good Ice Cream Van, and the first part is your personal impression, is the person your dealing with friendly, professional, clean, do you feel you as a person could trust them. This is the first step, but of course there is a lot more to it than just that.

Here at Roberts Ices we have something many do not, we have an official booking system. so what does this mean? This means when you make a booking with us, we will not let you down. We are proud to say we have never let a customer down, we send out written confirmations. We send you legal confirmation saying that the date and time you have requested is yours in our calendar. It pains us how many unprofessional Ice Cream Companies are out there who are letting people down day after day, but here at Roberts Ices we are different, we are professional and reliable.

Another major part of choosing your Ice Cream Van is checking up to date licences, hygiene certificates, public liability insurance, trading licence, HASAP and risk assessment. If an Ice Cream company does not have these, then do not book with them because you don't know what your in for. It is always better to go legal and professional. Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire holds all the mentioned above and more, for your peace of mind.

Products. Another key part in choosing an Ice Cream company. lets be honest why should anyone put up with a low quality ice cream van which serves only a few whippy products, wheres the fun and enjoyment in that!?
We know of poor Ice Cream Vans who have minimal products, do not serve anything as far as toppings....How can someone call themselves an Ice Cream company and not have sprinkles. This make me sad how so wrong some people are treating this industry. At Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire we have vast products (See our products page for more details) from fresh whippy served in various types of cones and other edible containers as well as many tubs and other forms of non-edible containers. We think visiting an Ice Cream van should be a great experience and we have a product for everyone, luxury adult products to child friendly inventions .

Also, be sure to check your value for money. Remember this, with the ice cream industry you pay for what you get. If you want to go with a really cheap quote then the Van and Ice Creams will not be to your satisfaction, the higher quotes are always the more value for money in the long run. Quality comes with the price, so don't settle for second best.

Here at Roberts Ices we are proud of who we are and what we do. we know we will make your event, wedding or whatever it may be, a bit more special. We have many years experience, and we promise you not only a professional friendly service, but the best quality Ice Creams and of course your Value for money. Speak to us today to discuss your event

Friday, February 24, 2012

New Developments - Favorite Products 2012 competition

The new 2012 product windows continue to amaze, every product on the new and improved windows is highly popular, but as you all know at the end of the year there can only be one winner.
I bring you an update on the most popular product 2012 so far. Not long ago the Marshmallow cone was leading the way, but now as the year moves on and the weather gets warmer, a new competitor for the Marshmallow cone has risen.
At this stage of 2012 there are two products who are neck and neck in the race - but only just they are being tailed by many others. It is safe to say this year already looks to be a photo finish.

The Challenger to the Marshmallow cone is...........

                                                                      The Bubblegum Cone!
                             A Scoop of luxury Bubblegum flavored sorbet upon a crisp golden tulip cone  

Below I shall give you the SO FAR top 5 products of 2012

1 - Marshmallow Cone
2- Bubblegum Sorbet
3 - Bubblegum Knickerbocker glory
4 - Bunnies Ears
5 - Hedgehog Cone

Its a very close race and the tables could change at any moment. Stay tuned to find out which product will take the lead and which will win the prize of FAVORITE PRODUCT 2012  

Sports Tournaments Ice Cream Van Hire

Kent’s premier ice cream van hire company can supply single or multiple units for your spring / summer tournaments. Our professional and friendly staff will ensure all your needs are met with a guaranteed quality of food, drink, and above all service, tailored to suit your specific event. Along with our experience, we are fully licensed by the local council and hold health, safety and hygiene certificates as well as being CRB checked.
When it comes to outside catering whether it is for 200 or 20,000 people, Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire can supply Ice Cream Vans to cater for everyone. 

We believe we lead the way with our donations policy, speak to us today to discover what percentage you could be earning from us!

We can also supply your tournament with:

.Cup Sponsorship
.Club Fundraising
.Winning Team Gift Ice Lolly Hampers

Constant high demand and continued repeat business has lead to further expansion of Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire and to continue offering our customers the very best in ice cream van hire, 2012 see’s the launch of:
·    Exciting new product rangeIncreased fleet size
·    Existing fleet updated and refined to remain market leaders and company of choice.
·    Herta Hot Dogs (please state at time of booking if you require Hot Dog availability)

Ice Cream Van Hire Latest News. Truth about the Business and Industry

Looking for an Ice Cream Van? Lets be honest, everyone knows how terrible certain ice cream vans can be, many do not hold any licence, hygiene certificates or anything of the sort. Too many cow-boy ice cream traders are at large harming this industry and destroying the good reputation us quality Ice Cream Vans build. Too often we are rescuing worried brides and grooms because an unprofessional ice cream trader has let them down last minute, how some traders can do that to a wedding, someones special day, I don't know.

Many people believe that with an Ice Cream Van its just "jump in and go" well I'm here to tell those people that is far from the truth. Dealing with fresh product everyday is a challenge in its own, handling fresh whippy, cones to even bread rolls for hot dogs. Everything has to be monitored, temperature checked and of course CLEAN.
Everyday Our Ice Cream Vans are cleaned from floor to ceiling, inside fridges, whippy machines and everything inside the vans. We run our vans like a professional kitchen should, efficient, clean and properly.

At Roberts Ices we believe in supplying only the very best, legal and safe Ice Cream. Which is what we think every Ice Cream Van should be doing. Many times our customers have come to our vans to tell us about other ice cream vans they have seen and the filthy habits these vans have, which makes us sad that this is happening.
The ice Cream Van has always been a positive place to be, child friendly, and a happy safe environment. Unfortunately this is not the case with many other companies and they know who they are.
But please remember we are not all the same, there are some very good Ice Cream Van Hire Companies out there still and Roberts Ices are proud to be one of them.

Many may frown upon what I am about to say but I am not afraid to speak my mind. The highest percentage of The Ice cream Industry is now owned by foreigners, immigrants who have come to England looking for easy work. This is where things go horribly wrong and hygiene laws are broken and Ice Cream Vans and the industry is frowned upon. Many customers say they would like to be served by someone who can actually speak English, now, I am not blaming the industries fall upon the foreigners there are many reasons why Ice Cream Vans can be an uneasy place to visit especially in London. I also know for a fact that there are many foreigners in our country who have done a fantastic job both in the Ice Cream Trade and others and they too know who they are and I am proud to be friendly with these companies.

Many years ago Ice Cream was much different, but our industry has to move with the times as much as any other, prices of our ingredients go up and up every year and now supermarkets have decided to try and kill us off too. Please, many of us are good people and run good Ice Cream Vans, understand we cannot do our lollies at prices the same as supermarkets because its impossible for us. The Price of Milk and Sugar also means Whippy is far more expensive that ever before so to carry on serving this rare and tasty treat, we need to charge for it. OK, many companies again in London or the coast will try to totally rip you off and this is when yes you shouldn't have to pay stupid prices. Us normal Ice Cream Traders will give you the best prices we can but remember this, we too have families to feed, houses to keep and lives to live. This is OUR living and income its all we have.

Roberts Ices would like to assure customers and everyone else we do run a top of the range company we have more than the required certificates and licences. We serves fresh food everyday and at good prices. We love this industry, help us love it for what it should be.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Ice Cream Van Hire Tunbridge Wells

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire continue to supply the very best Ice Cream vans to the Tunbridge Wells area, and of course the rest of Kent and the UK.
Book with Roberts Ices and have your guests amazed and talking about the wonderful time when Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire catered for your Weddings, special occasions, private parties and any other events. Our Ice Creams go down a treat and all you have too do is see the great reviews we continue to take to prove it.
we are an Original family business, and provide that quality service and valie for money. So why not check us out and see how we can bring some magic to whatever event you are planning.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire hold all required certificates, hygiene certificates, trading licence and even more than just the required documentation including CRB.

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire Tunbridge Wells supply new Ice Cream Vans in top condition, clean and well preserved, the perfect looking Ice Cream Van for your occassion. Our Van Operators are the most professional in the industry, from thier Smart dress to thier customer service.
Speak to Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire in Tunbridge Wells Today and let us take the stress and work away, and provide you with the Best Ice Cream Van Hire.

Ice Cream Van Hire Kent

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire

Robert's Ice Cream Han hire believe in supplying every customer the very best mobile catering units for all your catering needs. The company holds full 10 million pounds public liability insurance for the larger event, all staff hold health and hygiene certificates and are a registered company with local authority. Full risk assessment documents are available along with food preparation and hazard analysis documentation. All staff have now attended a basic sign language course.

Robert's Ice Cream Van Hire company can supply single or multiple catering units for any size event. Specialising in wedding hire, civil partnership celebrations, corporate hire, team building days, company promotional work including product and company branding, sporting events, school fairs and fetes, music concerts, charity fundraising events and children's birthday parties. Whatever event your planning, speak to Robert's Ice Cream Van Hire company professional and friendly staff to discuss your specific requirements.

Serving soft vanilla whip ice cream with your choice of standard cone, waffle cone, tubs, oysters and many more. Offering many flavoured ice cream choices including bubblegum, apple, chocolate, strawberry, orange, cherry, lemon and mint choc chip. As well as many Walls and Nestle products available at your choice.
In addition, top of your selection with 12 different flavoured syrups as well as vast options of rainbow and chocolate sprinkles, various sherbets, chopped nuts, cinnamon, marshmallows and coconut.
The professional and friendly event hire and booking team are always very happy to discuss your every need and will ensure your catering requirements and expectations are always met.
Robert's fully uniformed catering staff will provide the highest level of service and product quality for your event.
After the event a member of the after sales team will contact the hirer to ensure satisfaction.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire operate all over the UK, we specialise in areas such as Kent, London, Maidstone, Canterbury, Dartford, Tunbridge Wells and many more

Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire has many satisfied clients, based all over the UK, including Cartoon Network, Square eye media, East Kent County show ground, Beauty seen and many more. The company is owned and managed by Robert.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Channel 4 and Other TV Channels work with Roberts Ice Cream Vans

Roberts Ices offer many years experience working along side TV and Media companies throughout the UK.
We like to work with you, listen to you. Understand your needs, requirements, budgets and aspirations. In addition to the very best in ice cream van hire, we guarantee professional and friendly staff who are very experienced in being able to adapt to TV and media ever changing demands and time constraints, understanding the need for flexibility throughout production.
 Roberts Ices Cream van hire has many satisfied clients, based all over the UK, including Channel 4, Cartoon Network, Cbeebies, ITV, BBC, Square eye media, Beauty Seen, and many more.
The professional and friendly event hire and booking team are always very happy to discuss your needs and requirements. Roberts Ice Cream Van hire have experience working with News Teams, and are willing to make more appearances in 2012.
Contact us Today!