Friday, April 13, 2012

Warning to parents..road safety matters

There is an obsession the children seem to have, in their eyes its fun and games but could be putting them in danger.
This 'game' they have invented includes hiding behind ice cream vans and then running close behind the van when it departs. Parents i ask you to speak to your children about this, inform them of the danger the roads hold. What if that van moved backwards or whom ever was driving didn't check around? Thats your child under those wheels.

It may be an ice cream van but its still a Van on the road. We are here to bring indulgence and happiness, help us...join us, in getting rid of these road dangers once and for all.
There is only so much us ice cream traders can see and do to prevent an accident, help us by telling your children how dangerous the roads can be.

Roberts ices promotes road safety, and will always check around the entire van before departing. Constant mirror checks and being visual and alert. Robert is forever telling children to mind the road and be safe... will you too? Thank you

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