Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Kill the speed, not the child. Don't zoom past Ice Cream Vans

Too often careless and stupid drivers zoom past parked Ice Cream Vans at high speed, surely anyone with some common sense would slow down and be more aware when an Ice Cream van is about. There is a reason we have large warning signs on the back of our Vans... Pay attention to them!
I have heard stories of accidents happening when idiot drivers do not watch out for children, the most recent story I have heard luckily the little guy got off with some bruising and a lot of shock. But what of the Ice Cream Man...
Us professional Ice Cream traders always park where we can keep the children as safe as possible, but at the end of the day, the parents and the car drivers need to be aware that their children are still crossing roads.
These accidents are not usually on the Ice Cream Van's responsibility, yet the Ice Cream trader is always left feeling full of guilt, stress and upset when accidents do occur. Who in their right mind would let a 4 year old cross a road on his own? I mean, come on, seriously. What of the car driver also, they will go through incredible stress, upset and depression, because, it's not always their fault... PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CHILDREN!

Robert's Ices have luckily never witnessed one of these horrible accidents and prey to never see anything of the sort. Robert today said...
 "I will continue to park my Van in legal and safe places, and will always tell the children to "mind the road" when they leave the Van. But the parents need to take responsibility, don't let your youngster cross roads alone, they are your children. Also, I send a message to car drivers, if you see an Ice Cream van, slow down, be aware, there are children about who may run out, get a clue, grow a brain and be careful. I would also like to say to any Ice Cream traders who may have witnessed one of these accidents, do not let it haunt you, its not your fault. Try delete that horrific image from your mind and remember that its the parents and car drivers who are to blame. But, please remember to park in safe places. If we all do our bit, the children will be perfectly safe and that's what its all about" 

Keep it safe, Kill the speed - not the child! Lets enjoy Ice Cream safely!

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