Friday, May 24, 2013

Favourite product 2013 - it's back!

Ladies, Gentlemen boys and girls, welcome to this years favourite product of the year award. In 2012 we witnessed a thrilling race between a few hot favourites, and I predict 2013, to be even closer.

Yes that's right, last year was won just by the Marshamllow cone, for those who may not remember its a particular favourite...a crisp golden cone topped with fresh whippy ice cream and then rolled in colourful fluffy marshmallows. A favourite for children and adults alike. 2012 saw a positive start for our victor, sales were higher than other products day in day out. Then we reached event season and before we knew it two main competitors were back hot on the tail of the Marshmallow cone. A close competition and we all thought the bubblegum cone would clutch the 1st spot and in a last push the marshmallow snatched it. 

2013 sees a repeat from the popular window displays of 2012, popular demand has kept the products from changing...or so we thought! 
In a twist to tangle things up a few new and already popular products have been introduced, including

The Caribbean Twist - a large tub with mango and pineapple sauce complimenting coconut ice cream

Choco-orange delight - a knickerbocker glory with a chocolate and orange blast, chocolate dust and of course real Cadbury flake

Creme egg cone - a golden cone with fresh whippy ice cream, squashed into a half egg shape filled with gooey creme egg sauce and chocolate dust, the end result looks like a Cadburys creme egg bitten in half. Yum yum!

Of course we see the return of some classic favourites, the bubblegum cone, bunnies ears, the hedgehog cone and not forgetting the chocolate knickerbocker glory. All of which, have more than enough chance to claim that prize of favourite product 2013! 
The '99' cone or single with a flake, we all know as the ice cream to have, it's classic, it's an ice cream not too adventurous but still great tasting, an ice cream any generation can enjoy, probably the most famous ice cream of Britain as a whole, everybody knows it, enjoys it and craves it. It's only with Roberts ice cream vans bringing new and wild choices that this before champion found its up against some strong opponents. 

So nothing now remains but to open that serving window, let the ice creams sell and before long we will discover the favourite product of 2013! Stay reading and stay up to date, because now as of this year you the readers can vote for your favourite products of all time. Get in touch let us know what really makes your summer dessert worth talking about. 

Coming up next time on the favourite product 2013

. The competition is open, find out the results from the very beginning 
. New favourite to win? Maybe our current cha,pion has met it's match?
.sauces, a little something on top to really bring those taste buds to life!

See you soon!

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