Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Favourite product 2013!

So here we are, the contest has only just opened and oh boy if you could have witnessed what I have, luckily our opening weekend of the favourite product competition was a bank holiday one, ensuring plenty of customers to indulge from the wide range Roberts ice cream vans offer. We have seen an outstanding example of the year ahead of us, with some products instantly on top spots and some which have hardly taken off...but there is plenty of time for things to change!

Before we reveal the top products so far and of course the all important number one so far, a little update on what else is hot and...sauces. Mind the bad joke, but its true, Roberts ices have introduced a fabulous new range of exciting sauces. So new this year we will also be finding which sauces are the most loved! The exciement seems never ending! 
New sauces included Vimto! Black Jack! Turkish Delight! Mango! Cola! And more...
Of course as expected all of Roberts Customers have been mind blown by the variety and choice offered. With the new sauces and previous flavours included Roberts Ices now offer 20 sauce flavours to top your ice creams with. 
So, it's about time we listed the top current 5 sauces. 
In 5th place we have.......strawberry! 
In 4th place we have.......Vimto! 
In 3rd place we!
In 2nd place we have......chocolate!
In 1st place we have.......bubblegum!

A classic such as bubblegum is hard to beat but remember the 2013 contest has only just begun. We will bring you further updates of sauces later.

So for the main event! Favourite product 2013 brought to you by Roberts ice cream van hire. 
After watching closely over the bank holiday weekend we have discovers our previous champion the Marshmallow cone, has slipped! Sales of this before favourite are yet to reach near top spot. 
It has been close between three products so far, two established products on the window boards and one of which is a special Robert put on the counter top, so here we go!

In third place we have.... The Caribbean Twist! A newly introduced product which caught on and has raced into a strong start, coconut ice cream and mango sauce, a combination much loved, by a female audience, why we will never truly know but it seems to be a girls temptation.

In second place we have....... The bubblegum cone! Delicious and beautiful to look at. Bright blue ice cream with a turn your tongue blue ending, on a golden crisp cone it's becoming a favourite for children and adults alike. A massive competitor for 2012 sees the opening of this year to an amazing start. 

In first place for favourite product 2013 so far is... The single with a flake. You can beat a classic and you can't fake a flake, Roberts ices are proud to serve authentic Cadburys flakes in their ice creams. After the bank holiday weekend this is the product, this is what the people have been wanting from our vans, seeing as Roberts have been on big events the last week and longer its no surprise really this is what sells at events, simple classics 

And there you have it, we have only just begun and we already have three clear leaders, leaving the lemon ice cone in 4th place and at the very bottom, the apple cider lolly. Who knows what will come and what product will fight its way up to become champion of 2013. Will our last years winner make a quick recovery? Stay reading and find out! 

Monday, May 27, 2013

Bank Holiday monday!

We all love a day off, especially when the sun is shining and there is lots to do at the amazing village fete in Otford. With two vans on the case we made sure everyone got their ice creams and thwt queue time was at minimum.  A good day all round for traders and public alike,  many happy faces and lots going on including bouncy castles,  hot and cold food, festival games, dog show with dog dancing, handmade fudge, live music and lots more. What a way to spend a bank holiday! 

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Sunday, May 26, 2013

website updates!!

Hey everyone, over the last few weeks we have made many changes to our website including new pictures, content and links. Check it out let us know what you think!

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half way mark!

Half way through the event and everyone is loving the ice creams! The music is flowing and a few dancers are taking to the dance floor...most are under the age if 5 but oh well!!
The band Marylebone Jelly have rock the afternoon through greatly. Even Robert and Heather have been singing and dancing along in the van!

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Ready to rock with Marylebone Jelly!

Robert's ices are set up and ready at the beer festival with popular local band marylebone jelly! Playing today at the beer festival on Gore Court road Sittingbourne.  Cone on down and join in the fun in the sun!

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Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

Ice Cream Van to attend beer festival

Today Roberts ice cream vans will be attending a large beer festival event in the local area of Sittingbourne.  The sun is shining and the day looks grand, fingers crossed for a good day all round.  Robert will be attending this event himself as he and the organisation have worked together now for a few years.
Pictures of the day will follow

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Saturday, May 25, 2013

Do I hear bells ringing?

That right, for one lovely couple today they will be tying the knot in Whitstable in Kent. 
The scene is set, upon the harbour over looking the sea, together they vow to love each other forever. Beautiful.
Roberts ice cream vans will also be there giving all the guests a delicious ice cream dessert. The ice cream van is dressed in navy blue ribbon today and will shortly be arriving to meet the wonderful bride and groom.
Robert wishes them all the happiness in the world.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Favourite product 2013 - it's back!

Ladies, Gentlemen boys and girls, welcome to this years favourite product of the year award. In 2012 we witnessed a thrilling race between a few hot favourites, and I predict 2013, to be even closer.

Yes that's right, last year was won just by the Marshamllow cone, for those who may not remember its a particular favourite...a crisp golden cone topped with fresh whippy ice cream and then rolled in colourful fluffy marshmallows. A favourite for children and adults alike. 2012 saw a positive start for our victor, sales were higher than other products day in day out. Then we reached event season and before we knew it two main competitors were back hot on the tail of the Marshmallow cone. A close competition and we all thought the bubblegum cone would clutch the 1st spot and in a last push the marshmallow snatched it. 

2013 sees a repeat from the popular window displays of 2012, popular demand has kept the products from changing...or so we thought! 
In a twist to tangle things up a few new and already popular products have been introduced, including

The Caribbean Twist - a large tub with mango and pineapple sauce complimenting coconut ice cream

Choco-orange delight - a knickerbocker glory with a chocolate and orange blast, chocolate dust and of course real Cadbury flake

Creme egg cone - a golden cone with fresh whippy ice cream, squashed into a half egg shape filled with gooey creme egg sauce and chocolate dust, the end result looks like a Cadburys creme egg bitten in half. Yum yum!

Of course we see the return of some classic favourites, the bubblegum cone, bunnies ears, the hedgehog cone and not forgetting the chocolate knickerbocker glory. All of which, have more than enough chance to claim that prize of favourite product 2013! 
The '99' cone or single with a flake, we all know as the ice cream to have, it's classic, it's an ice cream not too adventurous but still great tasting, an ice cream any generation can enjoy, probably the most famous ice cream of Britain as a whole, everybody knows it, enjoys it and craves it. It's only with Roberts ice cream vans bringing new and wild choices that this before champion found its up against some strong opponents. 

So nothing now remains but to open that serving window, let the ice creams sell and before long we will discover the favourite product of 2013! Stay reading and stay up to date, because now as of this year you the readers can vote for your favourite products of all time. Get in touch let us know what really makes your summer dessert worth talking about. 

Coming up next time on the favourite product 2013

. The competition is open, find out the results from the very beginning 
. New favourite to win? Maybe our current cha,pion has met it's match?
.sauces, a little something on top to really bring those taste buds to life!

See you soon!

Ice cream for children

Many ice cream vans out there serve what we would expect, classic ice creams such as the '99' cone and the knickerbocker Glory and other various delights. However, Roberts ice cream vans have something a little bit special for the younger ones, because sometimes an ice cream can be just a little too big and messy. 
Roberts ice cream van is proud to serve the Teddy Bear cone! Soft whippy ice cream upon a golden crisp cone with two crisp smiling teddy bear wafers. Because sometimes we all just need something a bit more our size. We all know how messy the children can get, ice cream around their faces, in the hair and on many occasions on the backs of their we will never know! So Robert has put an end to this with a children's cone designed for the children to eat, not paint with! 
Enjoy a teddy bear cone today
For more products visit 

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Introducing the Caribbean Twist from Roberts ice cream van

It's a lovely summers afternoon, your in the back garden, husband on the barbecue sipping cool beer, the kids run around the freshly cut lawn playing games. There you are, soaking up the warm air knowing you can stay just where you are on your newly bought lounger. When the evening rolls in you can sit by the table with the warm romantic glow from an outdoor fire patio heater. Before the sun goes down the delightful tinkle, that unique sound of an ice cream vans soft chimes whistles through the air. The children stop running around, faces gleaming with hope, your husband looks at you with a "I'm controlling the burgers" face, before you know it your at the ice cream van enjoying a lovely summer treat. A welcome happy smile and an ice cream to tingle your taste buds. 
But what's this, your feeling a little exotic, must be all that sunshine...well Roberts ice cream van has just the thing for you. A large tub, lined with scrumptious mango sauce, filled with fresh coconut ice cream and finished with a squeeze of pineapple sauce. A little invention Robert calls a Caribbean twist! 
Now a famous favourite! 
Make your summer afternoon like an afternoon sitting on the white sands of Jamaica, a Caribbean twist ice cream and maybe a sneaky rum and coke. Go on...enjoy a little luxury, a little...taste of the Caribbean. 

Helping raise money for good causes

Throughout the previous years Roberts ice cream van hire have help many charities raise money. Company director Robert today announced he is still more than happy to continue working with UK charities in any way he can and has also raised the percentage the company now gives towards these good causes. "Many people depend on these wonderful charities, many of which are helping save lives and fight diseases, there are those in need, and we will as a business, always help those who need help and giving a percentage donation from our takings is the best way forward and I shall strive to continue to improve this policy we live by. if we can all come together, unite as people, we can help these charities in different ways. i hope that the money we donate goes to things such as equipment, food, water and life saving medication. i look forward to the future, a future in which I can say i done my best to make a difference" words from director Robert himself. 

Roberts ice cream now have vans booked on almost every weekend of 2013, 60% of which are charity events, a few examples are demelza house hospice, help for heroes, cats protection and cancer research UK. Also coming next year we have events booking for Alzheimer's UK, a Charity very close to Roberts Heart to which Robert makes personal donations a month already.

A recent event was with the Bredhurst cats protection league, who have now used Robert 4 years running and Robert insists he attends these events personally. A very successful day in the small lanes of the Medway countryside, the ice creams were very popular and even a few of the kittens couldn't take their eyes off the ice cream van and Staff member Heather couldn't keep her eyes off the cats! Robert helped raise more funds to go towards the well being and safety of those adorable balls of fluff and just to add a little extra Robert's team members are now volunteering at the cats protection. 
So if you have been wondering where your local Roberts van has been, now you know, but keep an eye and ear out because Roberts will be back to your street soon. 

My dear readers, I ask you...I beg you. Please remember these charities that are out there, trying to help people, often people the volunteers have no connections too except care for the fellow people. Do the human thing, the right thing, give a little gain a lot. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Hire van

Need more information on ice cream vans and ice cream van hire?
Then visit us at 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Roberts ice cream van hire

Roberts ice cream van hire has reached as far as Cardiff from yesterday, when Barclays Bank booked the van to serve all the staff an ice cream of choice from the full range. 
The ice creams went down a treat it was smiles all round and happiness ran through the office, another great example of private hire.

Roberts ice cream van hire specialise in corporate hire making hiring a van simple, stress free and of course ensures your desired affect of pleasing your guests. Roberts ices ensure serving your guests is our priority, we refuse to serve anyone but your guests. Professionalism is our goal. 

It was a long drive from base in Medway Kent but Roberts ice cream vans spread the love of quality ice cream throughout the UK. It took a lot of effort and hard drive but seeing the happy faces was worth it. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Ice Cream Van Hire London

Robert's Ices could be seen in the area of Central London, supply freshly made whippy ice cream for the students of the London School of economics.
Students were fanatical about their complimentary ice creams, however a few of the American Students were a little confused by the Cadbury's Flake in the ice creams, seeing as Cadbury's are yet to sail over the Atlantic.
Another successful day in London, another successful day for ice cream van hire