Monday, April 30, 2012

Ice cream Van Hire in Paddock Wood

Paddock Wood, A small Town in the Borough of Tunbridge Wells in Kent. A beautiful place, tranquil and delightful and the perfect place for outdoor events. Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire attend many events in Paddock Wood, catering for School fetes and fairs, Park openings, Weddings, and Village Fetes.
Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire in paddock Wood is growing more and more popular, and after attending a very successful School fete just yesterday, Roberts Ices will soon be seen a lot more around the lovely landscape.

Hire Roberts Ice Cream Van Hire in Paddock Wood for you event, and earn money for your charity or fundraiser. All events are catered for, speak to us today!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

The wettest Drought Ever

Has anyone else noticed this drought seems very wet? Hose pipe bans are issued and warnings of water shortages are spreading across the country, yet I cant seen to go out without an umbrella.
I understand a few months of shortage isnt made up by a few weeks of rain but, have the councils gone a bit extreme?
As the local Ice Cream man, there is enough rain to affect ice Cream Sales, but is there enough water for me to take a shower with peace of mind without being accused of causing the drought? Who knows.

Robert's Ices are still open for trade even with a poor weather, don't worry summer is coming trust me!

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Original Roberts Ices - Ice Cream Van Hire Kent

Robert's ice cream van hire believe in supplying every customer the very best mobile catering units for all your catering needs. The company holds full 10 million pounds public liability insurance for the larger event, all staff hold health and hygiene certificates and are a registered company with local authority. Full risk assessment documents are available along with food preparation and hazard analysis documentation. All staff have now attended a basic sign language course.

Robert's ice cream van hire company can supply single or multiple catering units for any size event. Specialising in wedding hire, civil partnership celebrations, corporate hire, team building days, company promotional work including product and company branding, sporting events, school fairs and fetes, music concerts, charity fundraising events and children's birthday parties. Whatever event your planning, speak to Robert's ice cream company professional and friendly staff to discuss your specific requirements.

Serving soft vanilla whip ice cream with your choice of standard cone, waffle cone, tubs, oysters and many more. Offering many flavoured ice cream choices including bubblegum, apple, chocolate, strawberry, orange, cherry, lemon and mint choc chip. As well as many Walls and Nestle products available at your choice.
In addition, top of your selection with 12 different flavoured syrups as well as vast options of rainbow and chocolate sprinkles, various sherbets, chopped nuts, cinnamon, marshmallows and coconut.
The professional and friendly event hire and booking team are always very happy to discuss your every need and will ensure your catering requirements and expectations are always met.
Robert's fully uniformed catering staff will provide the highest level of service and product quality for your event.
After the event a member of the after sales team will contact the hirer to ensure satisfaction.

Roberts Ice Cream van hire has many satisfied clients, based all over the UK, including Cartoon Network, Square eye media, East Kent County show ground, Beauty seen and many more. The company is owned and managed by Robert.

Warning to parents..road safety matters

There is an obsession the children seem to have, in their eyes its fun and games but could be putting them in danger.
This 'game' they have invented includes hiding behind ice cream vans and then running close behind the van when it departs. Parents i ask you to speak to your children about this, inform them of the danger the roads hold. What if that van moved backwards or whom ever was driving didn't check around? Thats your child under those wheels.

It may be an ice cream van but its still a Van on the road. We are here to bring indulgence and happiness, help us...join us, in getting rid of these road dangers once and for all.
There is only so much us ice cream traders can see and do to prevent an accident, help us by telling your children how dangerous the roads can be.

Roberts ices promotes road safety, and will always check around the entire van before departing. Constant mirror checks and being visual and alert. Robert is forever telling children to mind the road and be safe... will you too? Thank you

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Introducing The Fried Egg Ice Cream

Since the favourite product of 2012 is a popular subject on this blog, I thought maybe its time the other contenders had a little bit of the spot light. So, let me introduce you to another very popular product, a Roberts Ices Original ... The Fried Egg!
Fresh Whippy Ice Cream upon a crisp golden cone, with a scoop of Fresh lemon Ice Sorbet on top, with any sauces and toppings of your choice.
Could The Fried Egg take over the number one spot for favourite product 2012...only time will tell!

If you would like to see more Products Roberts Ices offers, visit

Revealed! The secret to the Marshmallow Cone

We all know how popular the Marshmallow cone is, and so far it is on its way to winning the title of favourite product 2012. So, I thought I would give you all the opportunity to witness the delightful ingredient which has helped The Marshmallow cone become as famous as it is.
Here they are, the top quality fluffy Marshmallows which will soon be topped onto Fresh Whippy Ice Cream.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Update on favourite product 2012

The race continues with the favourite product of 2012, as you all know the Marshmallow cone has been top of the league since the beginning and, today I can bring you some amazing information...
Today the marshmallow cone has broken a new record!!!
Not only is it currently the most popular Ice Cream from Roberts Ice Cream van but it has held the top position untouched for the longest time! Never before has a product spent so long without at least going to second place! So a big congrats to The Marshmallow cone!

The second place has been stolen once again thought by the Bubblegum cone, the Kids cant get enough of that bright blue colour and delicious flavour!

Kill the speed, not the child. Don't zoom past Ice Cream Vans

Too often careless and stupid drivers zoom past parked Ice Cream Vans at high speed, surely anyone with some common sense would slow down and be more aware when an Ice Cream van is about. There is a reason we have large warning signs on the back of our Vans... Pay attention to them!
I have heard stories of accidents happening when idiot drivers do not watch out for children, the most recent story I have heard luckily the little guy got off with some bruising and a lot of shock. But what of the Ice Cream Man...
Us professional Ice Cream traders always park where we can keep the children as safe as possible, but at the end of the day, the parents and the car drivers need to be aware that their children are still crossing roads.
These accidents are not usually on the Ice Cream Van's responsibility, yet the Ice Cream trader is always left feeling full of guilt, stress and upset when accidents do occur. Who in their right mind would let a 4 year old cross a road on his own? I mean, come on, seriously. What of the car driver also, they will go through incredible stress, upset and depression, because, it's not always their fault... PARENTS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THEIR CHILDREN!

Robert's Ices have luckily never witnessed one of these horrible accidents and prey to never see anything of the sort. Robert today said...
 "I will continue to park my Van in legal and safe places, and will always tell the children to "mind the road" when they leave the Van. But the parents need to take responsibility, don't let your youngster cross roads alone, they are your children. Also, I send a message to car drivers, if you see an Ice Cream van, slow down, be aware, there are children about who may run out, get a clue, grow a brain and be careful. I would also like to say to any Ice Cream traders who may have witnessed one of these accidents, do not let it haunt you, its not your fault. Try delete that horrific image from your mind and remember that its the parents and car drivers who are to blame. But, please remember to park in safe places. If we all do our bit, the children will be perfectly safe and that's what its all about" 

Keep it safe, Kill the speed - not the child! Lets enjoy Ice Cream safely!