Monday, January 16, 2012

Breast Milk Ice Cream...Yes Its true

The makers tell us its pure, natural and totally organic…but doesn't have a certificate to say so…would this tickle your taste buds?
This controversial Ice Cream was designed as an encouragement towards Breast feeding, and as of February 2011 was sold in a London restaurant to those willing to pay its £14 charge.
The Ice Cream, known as “baby Gaga” created by Matt O’Connor and has been pasteurized in Madagascan Vanilla Pods and Lemon Zest. Mrs Hiley, who kindly donated ingredients for Mr. O’Connor said “If adults realise how tasty breast milk was more new mothers would be encouraged to Breastfeed”. Mr O’Connor claimed nobody has done anything interesting with ice cream for 100 years – and I think its safe to say this can be classed as interesting – and for £15 for 10 ounces Mrs Hiley found her own “recession beater”.
I wish Matt O’Connor the very best of luck selling his Interesting Ice cream Idea, maybe this year we will see something even more surreal.

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