Monday, June 17, 2013

Announcement! Roberts ices introduce new sauce flavours!

Roberts ice cream van hire have decided its time for a little something new, so, with great pride we are  saying hello to our new sauce flavours! 
With some for the children and even some for adults we have everything that may take your fancy, lets begin by introducing a few!

For the children we have, a candy floss flavour! A popcorn flavour and a sour lemon flavour!
It did not take long before these three sauces hit the roof and became popular through out the community. 
And what about the adults you say? What adult sauce could there be... Well Roberts Ices introduce, Tia Maria flavour! A coffee delight which compliments any ice cream. 
Another is Baileys flavour, how could anyone resist right? And for those special occasions...or if you just fancy a classy ice cream, Roberts ices are pleased to announce the arrival of champagne flavour! 

Of course these are just a few of our new sauce range, there are many to choose from, want to know what else there is? Best come visit Roberts at his van! 

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Just an observation - school events and their BBQ's cause health risk

Every year most primary, junior and infant schools have a summer fete, with various attractions the school aims to raise money to go towards the schools fundraiser to, well, we hope buy new equipment for the children such as computers and sports equipment...however too often do we see these funds slip into the hands of some teachers or PTA members. But that's another story for another time.
Now, at most of these school events the school runs the hot food, in which the profits go towards the fundraiser, but what are the expenses? I am not talking money, but our health! 

So, Roberts Ices have been attending these events and making some observations. 

Lets start at the beginning, three maybe four teachers or PTA are put in charge of e BBQ, now, individually do they have any knowledge or practices in handling food fit for public? Do they have the required level 2 grade in food safety and hygiene? I doubt it very much. 
So I attended a primary school earlier in the year, for the school's protection I will not name the school.
I watched three men begin building three barbecues, old and very dirty looking ones that it wouldn't surprise me if this was the first time being used in a good year or more. So after being covered in dirt and old grease the men decide the BBQ is built fine, they pour the coals in, light up and use the time to have a chat. Whilst this is occurring, two ladies set up the serving area (two tables from the school put together) now, they have put blue gloves on, looks good right? Did you know that wearing gloves does not make you instantly sanitary and in fact temps wearers into not washing their hands. I witnessed these ladies cut rolls, then touch utensils, then organise the bin, touch various other things, organise their till and float, then handle the rolls again. Already the contamination is high, not to mention that the rolls and other food are left open to the elements without being covered. 
So the men are soon happy the barbecue is hot enough and the food is brought out from the school, I remind you that nobody has washed their hands. The food then sat in the sun for a good 40 minutes before being cooked, can you imagine he bacteria which would grow on it in that time?
So with the hands which have touched an old dirty barbecue are god only knows what else are now touching burgers and sausages which your children will eat! 

I'd like to now mention, that in catering, certain laws are in place, and these laws are not met by these schools and their barbecues, simple things like running hot and cold water and hand washing facilities. Not once did these any of these teachers wash their hands. Even simple certification and documentation is not in place. Which other traders look at and wonder why we have to follow these strict rules when these barbecues go and endanger the public without anyone questioning their methods. Of course we at Roberts ices, enjoy and love upholding proper hygiene standard and invite authorities to inspect our catering units. 

As I watched the barbecue continue again these gloved hands went everywhere, touching money, which is always dirty, shaking hands when friends arrive, handling the bin and then fresh food. These teachers are putting us all in danger! Why do the councils not stamp down on these barbecues and put hygiene rules in place for the schools as well as us traders. 
Even having some self drying hand sanitizer would be a step in the right direction. 

My next point is that these barbecues are all run by supermarket bought product, which in law you are not meant to sell to the public for profit, products are meant to be bought from proper wholesale. This occurs with cold drinks also in these schools, where us traders are forced to purchase from wholesale for food and drink...where is the fair business act? 

So next time you attend a school fete I ask you to look, look at who is serving your food, take a step out of the box and watch. Look for hygiene it's important. Don't let these schools get away with poor food standards and give you low quality food. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Favourite product 2013!

Here we are, a little further into the year and a massive step into our competition of favourite product of the year! After a busy week on various events and private hire we have seen a very established pattern for which product is becoming this years best! 
Without any delay here is the new top 5 so far!

5 - bubblegum knickerbocker Glory
4 - bunnies ears 
3 - bubblegum Cone
2 - single with a flake
1 - marshmallow cone

We have seen a major turn in our favourite, previous winner of 2012 has shot right up to our first place, sometimes you simply can't beat a classic, however coming up in the next few weeks we have many events as well as the everyday street rounds so things can change very quickly. 
The Caribbean twist sits in 6th place followed very closely by the chocolate knickerbocker glory and the bubble bomb! 

We will bring you the updated list as soon as we have it, keep track of the favourite product 2013! 

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

sunny Brighton!

Roberts ices today are enjoying a little rare sunshine down the M23 Brighton!  Working on private hire again, this time for popular energy company EDF. After prr buying the ice creams its now time for the lovely employees at EDF to come and enjoy a freshly made ice cream to mske a day at work much more delightful

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