Sunday, December 23, 2012

Festive Knowledge - its Christmas!

We all know and love a good Christmas dinner, traditional Turkey roast with lots of vegetables and other delights to go with it. But where did this tradition come from?

Before The Turkey Dinner, in Medieval England, The traditional meat served was either peacock or Bore. It was only in the 16th Century when The Turkey was introduced as the Christmas meat. In fact, King Henry VIII was the first Monarch to have roast Turkey.
The Turkey dinner thus spread throughout the nation during the 17th century and continues to do so today, however we have introduce many other meats and poultry to our tables.

So there you have it, a little Christmas knowledge to talk over around the table.

Have a Merry Christmas!!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Favourite Product 2012 - THE FINAL

Ladies, Gentlemen, boys and Girls, as you know we have been tracking the favourite product of 2012 all year long, and now is the time we conclude this years contest and announce our winner!
Every product on our boards this year has fought for this position, the list has changed many times and at stages there was just no clear sight of which product would win.
Classic products came back hard and took the positions of the new novelty ones, showing that you can't beat a classic ice cream such as the 99, however, some products have surprised us with their sales.
Of course we have to accept that the products position on the board itself, as there a places which are quick and easier to see by the public, we have taken this into account when calculating the winner.

So, the judging is finished, the results and numbers are in.
Without further interruption, I give you the Favourite products of 2012!!!

      6th               Bubblegum Knickerbocker Glory! 
      5th               Single Cone with a flake
      4th               Hedgehog Cone!
      3rd              Bunnies Ears Cone!
      2nd              Bubblegum Cone

And first place is!

1st - Marshmallow Cone!

It has been the closest contest so far this year and taking this into account we have been working on the product boards of 2013 and we feel the contest for favourite product could get even closer next year!
Keep looking at  and our new product boards for 2013 will be coming soon!

Robert's Ice Cream Van Hire

Robert's Ice Cream Van Hire draws the season of 2012 to a close, the winter draws in and the nights are getting shorter. The weather is cold and dull but the spirit of the ice cream van lives on.
Looking back, its been a fantastic year, I have met some amazing people, worked for many fantastic clients and of course had many successful events.

Every year brings its challenges, its joys and disasters, but at the end of the day I can honestly say I still continue to love this job.
We are all looking forward to next season, when our chimes shall be ringing again in the streets of Kent and of course Robert's Ices will bee travelling all over the UK to cater for those who require our superior service.
Robert wishes to thank all those who have given custom this year and the years before and looks forward to seeing you all again soon.